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Child Support Lawyer Harrisburg, PA

Get Comprehensive Legal Solutions To Ensure Fair And Sustainable Financial Support For Your Children.

At Grace Legal Offices, PLLC we understand how important it is for the parent with primary custody to have adequate financial support for their children in the event of a separation or divorce. Our child support attorneys provide comprehensive legal assistance to the residents of Camp Hill & Harrisburg who are seeking fair and sustainable child support payments. With our experience, we can help you understand your legal rights and make sure that the arrangements are in the best interest of you and your children.

Our team of experienced family law attorneys can assist you with a wide range of child support matters, including:

  • Child support calculations

  • Drafting agreements to ensure support amounts and payments are fair and reasonable

  • Negotiating with the other parent

  • Representing you in court hearings

  • Ensuring you receive payments for child support

  • Child support enforcement

  • Modifying existing child support orders

child support lawyer

At Grace Legal Offices, PLLC we are committed to helping you get the best possible result for your children. We will take the time to understand your unique situation, and all the legal issues, and provide tailored advice that meets your individual needs.

If you and your family need an advocate, contact us now

Child Support Laws in Pennsylvania

Child support laws can vary from state to state. In Pennsylvania, the court uses a formula for deciding how much each parent will pay in child support. This formula takes into account the income and assets of both parents, as well as the number of children and their ages. The court also considers other factors such as childcare costs, health insurance premiums, and any special needs of the children.

The primary custodial parent is typically responsible for receiving support payments from the non-custodial parent. However, the court may also order that both parents pay a portion of the costs associated with raising a child.

When it comes to determining child support, our lawyers are well-versed in the laws of Pennsylvania and can provide you with sound legal advice on how to navigate these complex matters.

Pennsylvania Child Support Guidelines

Pennsylvania law has specific guidelines for child support that are based on the monthly net income of each parent and the number of children they have. These guidelines also take into account any other expenses related to the care and well-being of the children, such as healthcare costs, education expenses, and extracurricular activities.

The court may deviate from these guidelines if there is a justifiable reason to do so, such as a significant difference in incomes between the parents or special needs of the children. Our experienced child support attorneys can help you understand how these guidelines apply to your unique situation and ensure that all relevant factors are considered when determining child support payments.

Child Support Obligation

In Pennsylvania, child support payments are required until the child reaches the age of 18 or when the child graduates from high school – whichever occurs later. However, some cases may require payments to be made until the child turns 21 if they have special needs or other extenuating circumstances as stated in the divorce decree.

Child Support Modifications

Support payments may be modified if there is a significant change in financial circumstances, such as job loss or an increase in income. If you are making child support payments and are experiencing financial hardship or if you are the recipient of child support and believe that the amount should be increased, our experienced attorneys can help you navigate this process.

Enforcement of Child Support Orders

Unfortunately, not all parents comply with their court-ordered child support obligations. Pennsylvania has strict enforcement methods in place to hold non-paying parents accountable, including wage garnishment, property liens, and even jail time.

If you are struggling to receive payments from your ex-partner, our team at Grace Legal Offices can assist in enforcing the court order through legal channels.

Protecting Your Rights as a Parent

As a parent going through a divorce or separation, it is essential to understand your rights when it comes to child support. Our attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure that your rights are protected and that any legal agreements are fair and reasonable for both parties involved. We will guide you through the legal process and advocate on your behalf to ensure that your children receive the financial support they need.

Contact us at Grace Legal Offices, PLLC today for an initial consultation with one of our experienced child support lawyers in Harrisburg, PA. We are dedicated to providing you with comprehensive legal solutions and ensuring that the best interests of your family are met. If you’re looking for a compassionate and knowledgeable child support attorney in Harrisburg, look no further than Grace Legal Offices. Let us help you provide a stable future for your children.

When You Should Hire a Child Support Lawyer

While it is possible to navigate child support matters on your own, hiring a child support lawyer can provide you with numerous benefits. Here are some situations where it may be beneficial to seek legal assistance:

  • The other parent refuses to pay child support or has stopped making payments.

  • You are unable to reach an agreement with the other parent regarding child support.

  • Your financial situation has significantly changed since the initial child support order was made.

  • You believe that the amount of child support being paid is unfair or inadequate for your children’s needs.

In these and any other complex situations involving child support, having an experienced child support attorney by your side can give you peace of mind and help ensure that your rights and the best interests of your children are protected.

Contact Our Harrisburg Child Support Lawyers Today

Navigating child support matters can be emotionally and legally complex, but our team at Grace Legal Offices is here to support you every step of the way. We are dedicated to providing personalized legal solutions tailored to meet the individual needs of our clients.

Contact us today for a consultation with one of our experienced child support attorneys in Harrisburg, PA. Let us help you secure a stable financial future for your family and ensure that your children receive the support they deserve

If you and your family need an advocate, contact us now