Need Family Law or Criminal Law Assistance?

How a Lawyer Can Help You Get the Best Settlement in Your Divorce

Divorce is not only an emotionally challenging process but legally complex. Navigating the intricacies of family law in Pennsylvania requires knowledge, skill, and experience. Having an experienced advocate can play a pivotal role in ensuring that you receive the best possible settlement in your divorce.

The experienced divorce law team at Grace Legal stands ready to fight for your fair settlement. Proudly serving the people of Camp Hill, Harrisburg, and beyond, our team will represent you with passion, determination, compassion, and grace.

1. Expertise in Pennsylvania Divorce Law

Pennsylvania has its own unique set of laws surrounding divorce, and having a legal advocate with experience navigating the legal landscape in Pennsylvania can prove invaluable in reaching a successful divorce settlement. An experienced divorce attorney can provide you with guidance, safeguarding your rights and ensuring you navigate these legal complexities with confidence.

2. Negotiation and Communication Skills

A skilled divorce attorney needs to be proficient in the art of negotiation, as 90% of divorces in America are settled outside of court. Setting the right tone in negotiations from the start is critical. Your attorney can work with your spouse’s attorney, remaining objective to reach a settlement that is fair to you and represents your best interests. Effective communication is critical in divorce negotiations, and an experienced lawyer will advocate for your best interests persuasively, addressing any questions and concerns you may have along the way. 

3. Asset and Debt Division

Pennsylvania follows an equitable distribution model when it comes to dividing assets and debts in a divorce. This means that the assets are split fairly, or equitably, based on numerous factors rather than an equal 50/50 split. An attorney can help you identify, classify, and accurately value marital assets so you know what’s on the table and ensure that you’re receiving your fair share. Your lawyer will fight to ensure that your distribution agreement is in your best interests and protects your financial well-being in the long term.

4. Alimony and Spousal Support

While many states use the terms interchangeably, spousal support and alimony are two distinct concepts in Pennsylvania. Spousal support is paid to a spouse after a separation has begun, but before a divorce has been filed. Another kind of support, known as alimony pendente lite (APL) is paid to a spouse during the divorce process, between the date it is filed and the date it is finalized. Once the divorce is finalized, the spouse will be paid alimony.

Regardless of the stage of your divorce, maintenance payments to your soon-to-be ex-spouse is always a contentious issue. Your attorney can help you understand your rights and obligations whether you are seeking support or being asked to provide support. Your lawyer will advocate for a fair resolution that accounts for critical factors such as the length of the marriage, the financial contributions made by each spouse, and the standard of living established during the marriage.

5. Child Custody and Child Support

Without a doubt, the most emotionally charged area of divorce law, for couples with children, is the issue of child custody and support. An experienced attorney can help you navigate the complexities of Pennsylvania’s child support and child custody laws, helping you reach a parenting plan that prioritizes the well-being of your children. Moreover, your lawyer can ensure that the child support calculations are fair and based on accurate financial information, providing financial stability for the whole family.

6. Courtroom Representation

While 90% of divorce cases don’t reach a courtroom, one in every ten do, so it’s important to have an attorney who is experienced in family law litigation by your side. Effective courtroom representation can play a pivotal role in your subsequent settlement. Your lawyer will present your case persuasively to ensure the best possible outcome.

Your Camp Hill and Harrisburg Divorce Attorney: How Grace Legal Can Help

The experienced divorce law team at Grace Legal proudly serves the people of Camp Hill, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, and all of central Pennsylvania. We are committed to providing compassionate, determined, and relentless representation if you are considering entering the difficult and emotional process of dissolving your marriage. Contact us today or call us at (717) 635-8780.

Picture of Kathleen Gadalla

Kathleen Gadalla

Kathleen is the Founder of Grace Legal Offices. For Kathleen, Grace Legal Office’s family and criminal law practice is more than a professional choice. The law is her calling and she is a strong advocate for her clients. She has a profound belief, based on her educational experience and legal experience, that those facing the most trying legal circumstances deserve more than just a good lawyer. They are entitled to be treated with compassion, transparency, and for Kathleen, the dignity that stems from her deep Christian faith.